In February 2021, we launched a Notebook Collection that is still very close to our hearts after one year: Our Female Empowerment collection highlighted a topic that still needs a lot of attention. Because in many places, society still seems to be treading water when it comes to equality. Now, after one year, we are taking stock. How much money has been raised with the help of our Tara notebooks for the organization UN Women Deutschland e.V.? And what has happened in terms of female empowerment since then?
Boobs & Vulvas – They are all beautiful!
But let’s start from the beginning. For this Collection, we had very talented illustrators design five motifs for our Taras. By the way, “Tara” comes from Sanskrit and stands for “savior” and also “star”.
With the motifs “Boobs“, “Female“, “Treat yourself right“, “Vulvaya” and “Diversity“, some of which were admittedly a bit more provocative on purpose, we showed that all women* can and should celebrate themselves! To love themselves in their uniqueness and to know no taboos. Because menstruation, the shape and size of vulvas or breasts, masturbation or other completely normal areas of life should not and must not be taboo.
What does female empowerment mean?
For us, female empowerment is fighting for freedom, equal opportunities and equal rights for women*. Each person probably has a slightly different definition. But for those who need a little refresher, you can find feminist terms explained in brief, an article on body positivity and more information on feminism on our blog.
Why all this?
Wondering now why we bothered with this topic? You don’t have to. Because in addition to ecological sustainability, social sustainability is also very important to us. Women* and girls* are still oppressed and discriminated against in all parts of the world. For example, the average hourly wage of women in Germany alone is still 18.3% percent below that of men. With our collection, we wanted to provide more visibility, represent the strength of all women* and thus take another step towards social sustainability.
What was achieved?
Power to the Period
Last year, Scotland passed a law to tackle “period poverty”. This stipulated that all schools, universities and public institutions provide period products free of charge.
Yes, Girls!
In 2021, two trans women entered the German Bundestag for the first time: Tessa Ganserer and Nyke Slawik.
Bye Bye, Gender Pay Gap!
Even though New Zealand has had a law guaranteeing equal pay for both sexes since 1972, the government passed the Equal Pay Amendment Bill. This attacks the causes of the gender pay gap: Low wages and undervaluation of women* dominated industries.
Human Rights
In the USA, the Supreme Court ruled that a clause in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibiting discrimination in the workplace also protects against prejudice against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender employees. This came about because, among others, a trans woman sued who was dismissed because of her gender identity.
Female Empowerment for ALL Women
It shows: Female Empowerment stands up for ALL women. No matter what gender you were assigned at birth.
As already mentioned, we collected donations for the Organization UN Women Nationales Komitee Deutschland e.V. with every sold copy of the Female Empowerment collection.
UN Women Germany is committed to gender equality, women’s rights, ending violence against women and eliminating all forms of discrimination against women. These goals can only be achieved together with men and women. The solidarity movement HeForShe was born out of this idea. It invites men to fight together with women for a fairer world.
After more than a year, we are taking stock and can give you a concrete figure: We will donate 1,000.00 euros.
But this issue is not finished with the transfer of the donation amount. We will continue. And to celebrate all women* of this world today on the occasion of International Women’s Day and also for the rest of the year.