Need some help getting started with your own bullet journal?
Then you’ve come to the right place, because in today’s post we present you with 15 creative ideas for beginners in bullet journaling. Enjoy reading and let yourself be inspired!
1. To-Do-Lists
A bullet journal is mainly there to help you organise your daily life, and you can customise it however you like. You can easily use the space in your bullet journal to write down to-do lists for your day, the week or the year. This way you can always see what you still have to do and at the end of the day we are all happy when we can tick off an item from our list.
2. Weekly Plan and Daily Plan
Another way to use your bullet journal is to structure your day and week. For example, you can use a page from your bullet journal to write down your appointments for the coming week or create a weekly overview where you write down what you have planned – with free time activities and enough time for your self-care routine.
3. Wish List
Here you can list all the things you want for your birthday or other occasions.
4. Self-Care-Tracker
On one of the pages of your bullet journal, you can also put a kind of table where you put all the things that make you happy on one half and all the days of the month on the other. This way you can put a tick behind each day that made you happy and have a better overview of whether you are giving yourself enough self-care.
5. Savings Targets
Are you saving towards a specific goal but finding it hard to keep track of it? Then your bullet journal is the right place to keep track of your savings goals. You can keep a record of how much money you have available each month and how much you spend every day. Depending on this, you can set yourself a monthly savings goal that you write down in your bullet journal and record your implementation of this.
6. Places you have visited or still want to visit
If you are adventurous or like to travel, you can also keep a list of the places you would like to visit. You can also list the places you have already visited, what you thought of them and what your best memories of them were.
7. Mood-Tracker
This is similar to the Self-Care Tracker. You make a sheet in your journal with an overview of all the days in the week/month/year. You then write down how you felt every evening. The easiest way to use this tracker is to use a box for each day on box paper. It’s quick and easy to keep track of. Then think about certain colours that symbolise a certain feeling for you. When you write down how you felt during the day, you simply colour in the box in the colour you thought of beforehand.
8. Bucket-Lists
You can also use your bullet journal to keep a bucket list of things you’ve always wanted to do. Writing them out of your head on a piece of paper helps to visualise them and make them easier to do.
9. Drink-Tracker
Similar to the other two trackers, you can also create a weekly overview where you enter how much you drank during the day. This is especially helpful if you often forget to drink – which happens to all of us – and so you can see whether your drinking habits are healthy.
10. Sketches and Drawings
In a bullet journal, you can also have enough space for sketches and drawings. For example, you can creatively design monthly cover pages or practise handlettering.
11. Films, Series and Books you have watched and read, with a rating
If you like to read or watch a lot of films and series, you can also work out an overview in which you enter which ones you have already seen or read. Behind it you can give a small rating, for example with points or stars. That way you never forget what you have already read and watched and if there is nothing new that interests you for a while, you can always open your list and read and watch something from the books, films or series that you already know you like.
12. What made you happy today
Here you sit down in the evening and reflect on your day. What were you grateful for or what made you particularly happy? It can be just one thing that made your day, but it is still nice to remember and helps you to love yourself a little more and be grateful for your life.
13. List with Gift Ideas
Do you sometimes find it hard to think of a gift for your friends and family at the drop of a hat? Then you can keep a list throughout the year where you write down every time a gift idea comes to mind or something inspires you. If you have no idea what to get your parents for their birthday, you can always scroll back to your list.
14. Menu Plan
In your bullet journal, you can create a menu plan with recipes for each week. This helps with your weekly shopping as you have a clear target of things to get and don’t spend too much money or end up with a lot of food going bad.
15. Social-Media-Tracker
Enter in your weekly overview when, how long and on which pages you were on the internet. This helps you to see how much time you spend on Insta, YouTube and the like and whether you should take a break.
We hope you are inspired to get started with your own bullet journal. If you’re still looking for a suitable notebook, you can take a look at our Online shop. There we have various sustainably produced Notebooks made of Grass Paper, in lined, squared and blank. Maybe you’ll find one you like!